Assignment (Due 3/28):
Please choose TWO sections from the Weimar Constitution one from the
first part on the structure of government, (Art. 1-108) and a second from the
section on rights (Art 109-181). Write out the passages, interpret the meaning
of them, then explain why you chose these passages.
First part: First Chapter: the Reich and the States
Article 17
state must have the constitution of a free state. State parliament must be
elected in a general, equal, immediate and secret ballot, in which all Reich
German men and women participate, according to the principles of representative
election. The state government requires the confidence of state parliament.
principles for the election of state parliament also apply for local elections.
State law may determine if those who lived in the community for one year or
less may participate in the election or not.
Interpretation: I think this article refers to the
freedom that the states had in order to create their own laws. Even though the
federal government governed all states, each state was able to create and elect
their representatives and local laws.
I chose this article because I think it is very
similar to the political system here in US. The only exception is that here it
does not matter for how long you have lived in a state. If you have all
requirements to vote and registered to a party, you can vote. In other words,
no party or political representative can tell you that you cannot vote because
you moved 3 months ago from other states.
Second part:
First Chapter: The Individual
Article 109
All Germans are equal in front of the law.
In principle, men and women have the same rights and obligations.
Legal privileges or disadvantages based on birth or social standing are to be abolished.
Noble titles form part of the name only; noble titles may not be granted any more.
Titles may only be granted, if they indicate an office or occupation; academic degrees are not affected by this regulation.
The state may no more bestow orders and medals.
No German may accept titles or orders from a foreign government.
All Germans are equal in front of the law.
In principle, men and women have the same rights and obligations.
Legal privileges or disadvantages based on birth or social standing are to be abolished.
Noble titles form part of the name only; noble titles may not be granted any more.
Titles may only be granted, if they indicate an office or occupation; academic degrees are not affected by this regulation.
The state may no more bestow orders and medals.
No German may accept titles or orders from a foreign government.
Interpretation: In this case, the article refers to
equality. Everybody is equal in front of the law it does not matter the gender,
noble titles or social standing. In order to make everybody equal in from of
the law, the constitution abolish nobles titles. Which I strongly believe is
wonderful. In the same direction, the abolition gave the sense of fairness
because everybody should work and deserve the same respect from and to others.
In other words, we are all human being and that says it all. Similarly, I agree
with the fact that they cannot accept titles from other countries. They were
trying to start from scratch and by themselves. Which I think says a lot in
terms of nationalism and German patriotism and that was the reason why I chose
this article.
I agree with you that gender equality is a wonderful thing. Even in the way it is worded we see gender equality. They do not use the word men to speak about all German citizens. In another article they even said motherhood is protected.